Give high school students the gift of a paid internship

Together, we can do so much more. Your generosity today will have an immediate impact!

Give high school students the gift of a paid internship image


raised towards $20,000 goal




Days Left


Together, we can do so much more. Your generosity today will have an immediate impact!

Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference in our community this year?

You still have an opportunity to provide paid internships to teens in Milwaukee. Every dollar you give today will be put to good use.

  • Do you believe young people need supportive, encouraging experiences to help them navigate a sometimes overwhelming and unnerving world?
  • Do you believe young people need moments to explore their options – and learn how they can make a positive difference in their communities?
  • Do you believe that amazing transformation happens when young people are given an opportunity to explore their creativity through the arts.
  • Do you believe that real-world work experience has an invaluable impact on young people – giving them confidence and boosting their self-esteem?
  • Do you believe that when young people gain confidence and skills that will lead to both academic and professional success, it has a long-lasting impact on the entire community?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we invite you to join me in supporting the young people of Milwaukee.

Together, we can do so much more. Your generosity today will have an immediate impact!

Can our young people count on you?